10 minute Ideas and Science

I have two ideas for science to share with you. First, we made some of these Circle Fliers. Just a straw and two loops of paper - but don't be fooled! These guys can really fly! We went to the top of a big hill and launched them all at once. 

Later in the week we filled a wooden box with corn starch and water to extend our thinking about states of matter. As long as we kept moving and jumping, our feet would stay on the surface like a solid. But ... if we paused for too long, in they sank! It's a simple idea but really engaging.

 I put together a bunch of little tricks and ideas that have saved me time over the years. I shared them with my friend Rachel over at Minds In Bloom, and you can see them HERE!


  1. Hi Suzanna,
    Being in BC as well we took part in pink shirt (I'm blogging about it on the 5 for Friday this week) and I think it's such a great thing to teach young kids at an early age! I am happy to be Canadian and happy that we advocate so much for human rights!!
    Proud to be Primary

    1. Loved visiting your blog! Thanks for commenting. Love meeting people close by! : )

  2. I've never heard of pink day but I love it! I'll bring it up for next year's school wide plans. You guys have been busy in science too!

    1. Pink Day is such a wonderful thing - so powerful to see all those pink shirts! Thanks for commenting!
      : )

  3. :) I love the idea of pink day! & Congrats on being featured - it was a great post, thanks for the tips!

    1. Aww... thank so much! Hope you found some ideas that you can use!

  4. We honored Pink Shirt Day too. Don't you just feel proud when your students understand the purpose behind those days? One more week Susanna - we can do it!

  5. Susanna! I want to send you one of my aprons to try out. I don't see an e-mail address so that I can tell you more!! How do I get ahold of you?


Please say hello so I can visit your blog too! : )