Snowy Day Math

More snow?? Ok, that's enough now. Come on, Springtime! But we did make a giant snowball - so big that we couldn't push it anymore, even with everyone pushing as hard as they could!

In math we're working on greater than/less than. First, we met the Hungry Crocodile who ALWAYS eats the biggest number (unless they are equal, and then he can't decide). 

Then we played a simple dice game: Roll a two numbers and then fill in the appropriate sign to show which side is bigger. We broke out the special dice for the grade twos!

This next one cracked me up. We were doing "silent math" so nobody is allowed to talk for a little while and everyone can concentrate. The little boy with the grey shirt kept tapping his pencil on the desk, and the girl beside him couldn't tell him to stop, so she wrote him a note! Too bad he can't read yet, right? He tried though!

After students have read their levelled silent reading books with me, they have a chance to play with the ipods for a little while. This girl is playing "Bingo Bugs" for basic operations in math, using a number line to solve the problems. So many amazing games to play and teach - I can hardly remember a time without this technology in the classroom.

Here's a symmetry math worksheet that we love doing - even in winter! You can grab it for free by clicking here.

 This is the view out of my classroom window! When things get crazy, I can lean back in my chair and take a 5 second nature break! 

Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. I love the note from the little girl during quiet time; such a great idea!

    A Very Curious Class

  2. LOVE the view out the window!

    Terri Izatt

  3. The entire post made me smile. That's some snowball!!! And the Stop It! sign is classic. I'm putting that in my apron pockets! Hilarious.

  4. Love your view out your window! Even if it does include snow for now! We have snow again too. The stop it note is so cute! I believe you can tell from it that she was a bit aggravated and had had enough. :)
    Conversations in Literacy


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