12 Phonics Youtube Songs

Here's a list of some of my students favorite learning songs. Enjoy!

Please keep in mind these links may be changed by the website owner - I had to remove a few already.

Magic e

The Magic E Song Kids TV 123

The Electric Company | "Silent e" music video | PBS KIDS GO!

Silent 'e' - Silhouette Blends (The Electric Company)

When Two Vowels Go Walking (Starfall.com)

Learn To Blend! Elf Kids Videos 

The Electric Company - Question Marks, Periods, Exclamations

Veronica Jackson - "Bossy R" Music Video (The Electric Company)

(If your school blocks youtube, you can download and save them with a program called KeepVid.http://keepvid.com/)


  1. Yay! Thanks for the helpful info. on keepvid and the links to phonics videos.

  2. Love all the songs!Thank you. They will learn anything faster if put to music. Happy December!! The clip art is amazing!

  3. Thanks for all the song suggestions! I was needing some new ones. I use the super e one and my kids love that!
    Conversations in Literacy

  4. I'm SO glad you posted this! They'll be perfect for the student groupings I posted about the other day! :) My group is working on long vowels! BTW... do you have vowel sound clip art?

    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom

  5. I cannot thank you ENOUGH for this post! You're a true lifesaver :) Jen

  6. Thank you and I just put them on my symbaloo which I learned how to do through you!!! :)

  7. Oh I love these resources!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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