Ideas for Bossy E

Do you ever show your kiddos the phonics videos on youtube? My kids just love them.
Harry Kindergarten is their all time favorite - they know every word and sing it LOUDLY! 

Harry Kindergarten - One of my favorites!
Just a warning - this one might stick in your head all day!

Magic E Kids 

Silent E Song

Silent E Electric Company - An old favorite!

Another Magic E Song

Nessy Reading Strategies - Magic E

During art period, we made our own Bossy E guys. The kids had fun making him look very bossy with those mean eyebrows and lots of teeth. 

Next, each student got a different word card, and added their Bossy E to the end. They practiced reading the word, and then marched around the room reading each other's words. Great practice while having fun and moving around.

We displayed them all on the bulletin board and my kids loved to go over and try to read all the words.
How do you teach Bossy E? Do you have any great learning videos to add?


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